Learning and Creating at Home

Welcome to our home learning page.
This has been developed by staff at St Joseph's Primary School, Wingham to provide all the necessary information, learning tools and curriculum to support our students and parents through the Covid-19 time of learning at home.
The class pages have booklets to be downloaded.
The same booklets can be picked up from the school office.
Week 7 Teams Teacher online times
Each Day
9.30am - Year 5
9.45am - Year 6
10.00m -Year 4
10.15am -Year3
10.30am -Year 1
10.45am -K
11.00am -Year 2
Use the MS TEAMS app on your computer or device and log in with your school/Microsoft email address:
[email protected]
Expectations for Communication
Positive and respectful communication is vital in maintaining a successful home / school learning partnership.
Teachers will be available from 9am to 3pm to communicate with you via phone or email.
(02) 6553 4774
[email protected]
This has been developed by staff at St Joseph's Primary School, Wingham to provide all the necessary information, learning tools and curriculum to support our students and parents through the Covid-19 time of learning at home.
The class pages have booklets to be downloaded.
The same booklets can be picked up from the school office.
Week 7 Teams Teacher online times
Each Day
9.30am - Year 5
9.45am - Year 6
10.00m -Year 4
10.15am -Year3
10.30am -Year 1
10.45am -K
11.00am -Year 2
Use the MS TEAMS app on your computer or device and log in with your school/Microsoft email address:
[email protected]
Expectations for Communication
Positive and respectful communication is vital in maintaining a successful home / school learning partnership.
Teachers will be available from 9am to 3pm to communicate with you via phone or email.
(02) 6553 4774
[email protected]
The above button link will take you to MN Connect.
Login using your school login information. Just paste the you tube url and remove all distractions and ads
Growth in Unity
Our school crest is depicted by the St Joseph’s lily. Each petal of the lily is arranged so as to be able to be touched by the sun without intruding on another, symbolising every child’s right to grow.
Positive Behaviour Support