Physical Activity
at home for
Primary School Children
Exercise remains as important as ever to help keep our population healthy.
It is proven to support our immune system and mental health.
It sparks endorphins in our bodies that help keep us upbeat and positive.
However during times of stress it is often the activity we can ignore.
If your children are spending time at home, please make sure physical activity is part of your daily routine.
Here are some free online resources your family can use to stay active, healthy and calm together.

Very Popular - Free sign up to access activities and dances. Many kids will already use Go Noodle in their classroom!

A series of fun, themed workouts set to music for young students eg Star Wars, Avengers etc. Five minute workouts that can be carried out in small spaces at home, complete with timed rest periods.
A series of fun, themed workouts set to music for young students eg Star Wars, Avengers etc. Five minute workouts that can be carried out in small spaces at home, complete with timed rest periods.

Bringing movement and dance into the home environment. Les Mills “Born to Move” is a free resource with 20 - 40 minute classes for students to learn movement sequences involving dance, martial arts and yoga. Each video is colourful, energetic and packed with cool music, foundational fitness moves and fun games. ES1: “Carpenter Lennox”, “vacation”, “The wizard”, “Conductor Netsrowski”, “Recycling”, “The Magic Lamp”, “I Call My Friend”, “Let’s write a symphony”. Stage 1: “Baila with Me”, “Meet down in Africa”. Stage 2-3“Tell me you love me”, “This is Me”

Get active and learn about aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. There are a few games here that don’t require many people.

Joe (The Body Coach UK) is adding daily videos for kids and adults at home!